Our Blog

Core Concepts of Webpack
August 9, 2017 by Tom Friedhof
Front-end developers have so many tools to make sense of these days, npm, yarn, bower, grunt, gulp, the list goes on. What happened to the…
Front-end developers have so many tools to make sense of these days, npm, yarn, bower, grunt, gulp, the list goes on. What happened to the…

Migrating Drupal 7 redirects to Drupal 8
August 2, 2017 by Evan Jenkins
When migrating from Drupal 7 to Drupal 8, it is important to remember to migrate over the redirects as well. Without the migrations users will not find your content if for example: the redirect was shared on social media. Using the Migrate Plus module, it is quite simple to write a migration for the redirects. The Migrate Plus module contains some good examples on how to get started writing your custom migrations.
When migrating from Drupal 7 to Drupal 8, it is important to remember to migrate over the redirects as well. Without the migrations users will not fin...

Using Pattern Lab to Design More Efficiently
July 15, 2017 by Tom Friedhof
Your UX Designer should be delivering a working HTML prototype, not a picture of your application from Sketch or Photoshop. I’m not going to…
Your UX Designer should be delivering a working HTML prototype, not a picture of your application from Sketch or Photoshop. I’m not going to…

Pattern Lab in Drupal 7
June 15, 2017 by Tom Friedhof
Tom Friedhof: There’s a lot of hype around integrating Pattern Lab with your Drupal theme these days. Particularly because Drupal’s template…
Tom Friedhof: There’s a lot of hype around integrating Pattern Lab with your Drupal theme these days. Particularly because Drupal’s template…

Docker and Development Environments: Setting up for Node.js on MacOS
April 18, 2017 by Joseph Rendon
We always had our local development environments setup with Docker on top of Vagrant. While this has worked out just fine, the overhead of building and maintaining them started to increase significantly.
We always had our local development environments setup with Docker on top of Vagrant. While this has worked out just fine, the overhead of building an...

Shibboleth Authentication in Symfony 2.8+|3.0+
March 23, 2017 by Bez Hermoso
Preface We recently had the opportunity to work on a Symfony app for one of our Higher Ed clients that we recently built a Drupal distribution for. Drupal 8 moving to Symfony has enabled us to expand our service offering. We have found more opportunities building apps directly using Symfony when a CMS is not needed. This post is not about Drupal, but cross posting to Drupal Planet to demonstrate the value of getting off the island. Enjoy! Writing custom authentication schemes in Symfony used to be on the complicated side. But with the introduction of the Guard authentication component, it has gotten a lot easier.
Preface We recently had the opportunity to work on a Symfony app for one of our Higher Ed clients that we recently built a Drupal distribution for. Dr...

Composer FTW! RIP Drush Make?
March 6, 2017 by Tom Friedhof
In the modern world of web / application development, using package managers to pull in dependencies has become a de-facto standard. In fact, if you are developing enterprise software and you aren't leveraging package managers I would challenge you to ask yourself why not?
In the modern world of web / application development, using package managers to pull in dependencies has become a de-facto standard. In fact, if you a...

Google's Mobile and Desktop Index Split
February 21, 2017 by Sam Tabari
The last two years we have seen some significant updates by Google related to mobile users. In April of 2015, a new algorithm was released by Google which would possibly boost, or decrease your ranking, depending on whether or not your website was mobile-friendly. It didn’t end there. More major news by Google came out towards the end of last year having to do with mobile. Google announced that starting sometime in 2017, they would for the first time be splitting their index into two, a desktop index and a mobile index.
The last two years we have seen some significant updates by Google related to mobile users. In April of 2015, a new algorithm was released by Google w...

Drupal vs Proprietary Software: DrupalCamp LA 2016 Table Talk - pt. 4/5
October 12, 2016 by Tom Friedhof
Ron Huber: Proprietary software does a really good job of being everything to everybody. When somebody goes and pitches something for a…
Ron Huber: Proprietary software does a really good job of being everything to everybody. When somebody goes and pitches something for a…

Drupal as an Integration Point: DrupalCamp LA 2016 Table Talk - pt. 3/5
October 1, 2016 by Tom Friedhof
Jordan Ryan: Are any of you selling, in particular with Drupal, the power of integrations or integrating with other systems? Kind of like…
Jordan Ryan: Are any of you selling, in particular with Drupal, the power of integrations or integrating with other systems? Kind of like…

Who is Drupal Right For: DrupalCamp LA 2016 Table Talk - pt. 2/5
September 19, 2016 by Tom Friedhof
Ron Huber: It does go back to what Dries said earlier this year, about who adopts Drupal, right. I mean, they're truly ambitious web…
Ron Huber: It does go back to what Dries said earlier this year, about who adopts Drupal, right. I mean, they're truly ambitious web…

Drupal 7 or 8: DrupalCamp LA 2016 Table Talk - pt. 1/5
September 9, 2016 by Tom Friedhof
Tom: Hey guys, we're here at DrupalCamp LA 2016, at UC Irvine. We've got a few shop owners here. We just wanted to have a conversation and…
Tom: Hey guys, we're here at DrupalCamp LA 2016, at UC Irvine. We've got a few shop owners here. We just wanted to have a conversation and…
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