Posts in devops category

Deploying Docker containers - Introduction to Kubernetes
August 27, 2018 by Tom Friedhof
This post is part 5 in the series [“Hashing out a docker workflow”]({% post_url 2015-06-04-hashing-out-docker-workflow %}). I have resurrected this series from over a year ago, but if you want to checkout the previous posts, you can find the [first post here]({% post_url 2015-06-04-hashing-out-docker-workflow %}). Although the beginning of this blog series pre-dates Docker Machine, Docker for Mac, or Docker for Window’s. The Docker concepts still apply, just not using it with Vagrant any more. Instead, check out the Docker Toolbox. There isn’t a need to use Vagrant any longer.
This post is part 5 in the series [“Hashing out a docker workflow”]({% post_url 2015-06-04-hashing-out-docker-workflow %}). I have resurrected this se...

Docker and Development Environments: Setting up for Node.js on MacOS
April 18, 2017 by Joseph Rendon
We always had our local development environments setup with Docker on top of Vagrant. While this has worked out just fine, the overhead of building and maintaining them started to increase significantly.
We always had our local development environments setup with Docker on top of Vagrant. While this has worked out just fine, the overhead of building an...

Drupal 8 Development in Docker - Redux
July 14, 2016 by Bez Hermoso
Back in December, Tom Friedhof shared how we set up our Drupal 8 development and build process utilizing Docker. It has been working well in the several months we have used it and worked within its framework. Within the time-span however, we experienced a few issues here and there which led me to come up with an alternative process which keeps the good things we like and getting rid of/resolving the issues we encountered.
Back in December, Tom Friedhof shared how we set up our Drupal 8 development and build process utilizing Docker. It has been working well in the sever...

Creating a deployable Docker image with Jenkins - Part 4
January 20, 2016 by Tom Friedhof
This post is part 4 in the series ["Hashing out a docker workflow"]({% post_url 2015-06-04-hashing-out-docker-workflow %}). For background, checkout my previous posts. My previous posts talked about getting your local environment setup using the Drupal Docker image with Vagrant. It's now time to bake a Docker image with our custom application code within the container, so that we can deploy containers implementing the immutable server pattern. One of the main reasons we starting venturing down the Docker path was to achieve deployable fully baked containers that are ready to run in whatever environment you put them in, similar to what we've done in the past with Packer, as I've mentioned in a previous post.
This post is part 4 in the series ["Hashing out a docker workflow"]({% post_url 2015-06-04-hashing-out-docker-workflow %}). For background, checkout m...

Our build process using Drupal 8
December 2, 2015 by Tom Friedhof
Now that the release of Drupal 8 is finally here, it is time to adapt our Drupal 7 build process to Drupal 8, while utilizing Docker. This post will take you through how we construct sites on Drupal 8 using dependency managers on top of Docker with Vagrant.
Now that the release of Drupal 8 is finally here, it is time to adapt our Drupal 7 build process to Drupal 8, while utilizing Docker. This post will t...

Docker: A Minimalist's Choice
October 17, 2015 by Bez Hermoso
A little over a year ago the ActiveLAMP website had undergone a major change -- we made the huge decision of moving away from using Drupal to manage its content in favor of building it as a static HTML site using Jekyll, hosted on Amazon S3. Not only did this extremely simplify our development stack, it also trimmed down our server requirements to the very bare minimum. Now, we are just hosting everything on a file storage server like it's 1993.
A little over a year ago the ActiveLAMP website had undergone a major change -- we made the huge decision of moving away from using Drupal to manage i...

Setting up a Docker development environment with Vagrant - Part 3
September 23, 2015 by Tom Friedhof
This post is part 3 in the series ["Hashing out a docker workflow"]({% post_url 2015-06-04-hashing-out-docker-workflow %}). For background, checkout my previous posts. Now that I've laid the ground work for the approach that I want to take with local environment development with Docker, it's time to explore how to make the local environment "workable". In this post we will we will build on top of what we did in my last post, [Docker and Vagrant]({% post_url 2015-07-19-docker-with-vagrant %}), and create a working local copy that automatically updates the code inside the container running Drupal.
This post is part 3 in the series ["Hashing out a docker workflow"]({% post_url 2015-06-04-hashing-out-docker-workflow %}). For background, checkout m...

Docker with Vagrant - Part 2
July 19, 2015 by Tom Friedhof
This post is part 2 in a series of Docker posts hashing out a new docker workflow for our team. To gain background of what I want to accomplish with docker, checkout my previous post [hashing out a docker workflow]({% post_url 2015-06-04-hashing-out-docker-workflow %}). In this post, we will venture into setting up docker locally, in the same repeatable way from developer to developer, by using Vagrant. By the end of this post, we'll have Drupal running in a container, using Docker.
This post is part 2 in a series of Docker posts hashing out a new docker workflow for our team. To gain background of what I want to accomplish with d...

Hashing out a Docker Workflow - Part 1
June 5, 2015 by Tom Friedhof
Several months ago I was having a conversation with a friend about our Chef workflow for managing and provisioning servers, as well as provision our local machines using Vagrant. That conversation led to us talking about Docker, and how Docker is going to change everything in the devops space.
Several months ago I was having a conversation with a friend about our Chef workflow for managing and provisioning servers, as well as provision our l...